A Roman Catholic Charismatic
Covenant Community serving the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex
Mt. Saint Michael Catholic School
The Holy Spirit can come upon anyone and anytime, but in recent times the Holy Spirit has been awakened in many who have been prayed with for an outpouring of His Holy Spirit as part of a Life in the Spirit seminar. Our Community provides an opportunity to participate in a Life in the Spirit seminar without cost or obligation.
Life-changing, turning point, profound, pivotal, crossroad, decisive moment, … These are all words that describe participation in a Life in the Spirit seminar. The seminar is composed of six sessions that explain God’s plan to bestow His Holy Spirit upon us!
The sessions build, hearing first about the infinite unconditional love of God our Father, the salvation that Jesus won for us, and the promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit. While it is a fact that we have all received the Holy Spirit at both Baptism and Confirmation what is also often true is that we do not actualize these gifts in our lives. The intent of the Life in the Spirit seminar is for us to spend six weeks really hearing deeply the message of the love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and be given a very specific opportunity to request and to be prayed with for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
The best analogy used to describe the transformation is that of chocolate syrup in the bottom of a glass of milk. We all have the Holy Spirit within us, but we need our glass of milk stirred up so that we are transformed from plain milk to the rich chocolate milk that God intends for us.
To register for a future seminar, please contact us at:
[email protected]