A Roman Catholic Charismatic
Covenant Community serving the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex
Mt. Saint Michael Catholic School
Click HERE to read about the 2024 NAN Council meeting held in Dallas
Our Community is a member of the North American Network of Charismatic Covenant Communities.
Click HERE to view the latest Newsletter
Our twice monthly Prayer Meetings are open to all!
We usually meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays from 3pm to 4:30pm
at 4500 West Davis St in Dallas in the MSMCS gym
During the prayer meeting:
children ages 5 to 10 can attend Children’s Ministry and
youth from 7 th grade through 12 th grade can attend Youth Ministry.
Come praise and Worship the Lord with us!
is a Catholic charismatic covenant community whose members have responded in faith to God's call to give our whole lives to Him and support each other in living an authentic Christian life together.
We have sealed this decision by making a covenant to faithfully live our Christian lives together in full communion with God and each other as disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.
CCGD is in full communion with the Catholic Church, submissive to our bishop and respectful of the other Christian relationships of our members.
To learn more about CCGD, please visit the "About Us" tab and check out the following:
Click HERE to listen to a recent podcast where David Peterman Jr. discusses the charism of Covenant Community including CCGD
Click HERE to view short video explaining how we got started
Click HERE to view the homily of Cardinal Farrell addressing our Community at our 40th Anniversary Mass.
Click HERE to view the homily of Bishop Greg Kelley addressing our Community at our 50th Anniversary Mass.